miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2019

The present continuous refers to the actions that are taking place at the precise moment that is being discussed.
Subject + verb be present + verb ing + complement
You are walking in the park
Verb be present + subject + verb ing + complement +?
Are you walking in the park?
Subject + verb be present + not + verb ing + complement
You are not walking in the park
With it expresses the ability to decior if possible or impossible that we could do that activity.
Subject + can + verb + complement
I can read a great book
Can + subject + verb + complement +?
Can I read a great book?
Subject + can not / can’t + verb + complement
I can’t read a great book
I finished my degree in secondary education with a specialization in telesecundaria, I already obtained my order of abstraction and at this moment I am teaching. In the morning, I can go running before attending school, when I return  take a shower, breakfast and prepare to go to school, I can’t be late to school, so I have to rush in the morning. In the course of the day several unforeseen events occur and I can’t give my class as I had planned, after a day of classes, students can go home to rest, I stayed a while longer to qualify the work, and so, I can have more time for some of my work. In the afternoons when I arrive at my house, I can help my mother to cook, then I start planning my class for the next day, because, I can’t improvise the classes, when I finish, I can rest for a moment, then, I help my dad to qualify the jobs of his student, he can’t qualify all the exams, later, I send my brother to English competitions, he can’t drive in the streets with a lot of shuffle, when we return, we do the chore and we prepare dinner and that's how the day ends.

I can’t be late to school
I can’t give my class as I had planned
I can’t improvise the classes
He can’t qualify all the exams
He can’t drive in the streets with a lot of shuffle
I can go running before attending school
Students can go home
I can have more time for some of my work
I can help my mother to cook
I can rest for a moment

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